Thursday March 23rd 6:30pm at St Andrews Church
We are excited to welcome our membership back to our annual AGM and potluck! We are thrilled to once again be back together sharing a meal. Come share food together and learn about what the historical society and museum have been up to for the last year. We have been busy and are excited to share with you what we have accomplished!
The meal begins at 6:30pm and the AGM presentation is at 7pm. Bring a savoury or sweet dish to share with everyone. If you are feeling bold bring something on theme, important to your family or heritage. Plates, cutlery, and drinks are all provided.
We need as many members as possible to join us and vote. Feel free to bring your friends and family who are interested in the society. We are a friendly bunch who have interesting stories!
All are welcome but only historical society members will have voting privileges.