current museum events

Please note that in accordance with current personal health orders, we will be checking vaccine passports for all visitors 12 and up during events held at Maple Ridge Museum. Masks are required to visit the museum and participate in indoor events.


March 2022

SPRING BREAK: Join us at Maple Ridge Museum for some family-centered crafts and fun! Thursday through Sunday, March 24-27 from 11-3. No advance registration required. By donation.

April 2022

HISTORIC CEMETERY WALKING TOUR: Join Erica Williams, local history expert and president of the Maple Ridge Historical Society, on a walking tour of the MR Cemetery. April 2 at 2pm, meeting at the entrance to Maple Ridge Cemetery (please park on the street, not in the cemetery parking lot). Find more information and reserve your spot here.

HISTORIC DOWNTOWN MAPLE RIDGE WALKING TOUR: Join Erica Williams, local history expert and president of the Maple Ridge Historical Society, on a historic walking tour of downtown Maple Ridge. April 3 at 2pm, meeting in front of the horse clock outside City Hall. Find more information and reserve your spot here.

ART SHOW FUNDRAISER: Join local historians and paranormal researchers, Gina Armstrong and Victoria Vancek of Haunted History BC, for Supernatural British Columbia — an exciting art exhibit featuring their captivating photography!  The sister team are writers, paranormal researchers, and avid photographers.  Come see enchanting photos of historic and natural sites they have visited while documenting local history, legends and folklore. The art show fundraiser event will be held at the historic St. Andrews Church in Maple Ridge from 11am to 4pm, Saturday, April 9th.

EASTER FAMILY FUN: Join us for a family-friendly activity! Tour through Maple Ridge Museum from April 14-17, find all the Easter eggs, and earn a small prize!

EARTH DAY: Find us at the Earth Day celebration at Memorial Peace Park on April 23! Learn more about Earth Day celebrations in Maple Ridge here.

HOME SHOW: Find our Museum on the Move tent at the Maple Ridge Home Show from April 29 to May 1! Learn more about the Home Show here. Learn more about Museum on the Move here.


Interested in getting involved? volunteers are essential to make all of these events happen!
email us at for more information.


Be sure to follow us on social media to stay current on our programs, events, and other exciting announcements!

Our Haney House hours have changed. Please see our social media for updated Haney House open hours.
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