Library Materials

Local History at Maple Ridge Public Library

The Maple Ridge branch of the Fraser Valley Regional Library has been a staunch friend and supporter of the Maple Ridge Museum and Archives since the early 1970’s when the library provided the museum’s first home.  Tucked into a corner at what became known as “The Old Library Auditorium”, the museum stayed there until 1984 when it moved to the brickyard site.

The relationship has never wavered and through the ensuing years and two changes of venue for the library, the Museum & Archives have provided displays, information and research support to the library branch.


Research Files

Located in filing cabinets near the stairs on the main floor are some 1,200 purple file folders, each containing materials relevant to a different topic of local history.  This is a copy of the set held at the museum which has been digitized.

These files include buildings, people, organizations, neighbourhoods and local governance.  The files are non-circulating but can be read and photocopied within the library.  If you are having trouble finding what you are looking for, speak to a reference librarian or contact us for a list of suggested file titles.



A joint project between the museum and the library raised funds to purchase a microfilm reader-printer and install it at the library where there was more room for it than at the museum.  Since that initial purpose, the library has purchased microfilm copies of the entire available run of the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Gazette and locally relevant parts of other newspapers including the Weekly Columbian and the Fraser Valley Record.



The Maple Ridge Museum & Archives has two permanent display cases at the library and does additional displays in the lobby cases in February, July, August and December. The displays are on a wide variety of themes and topics so check back regularly.

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