Temporary Exhibits
At the museum:
Maple Ridge Museum is proud to present our latest temporary exhibit, ‘Legendary Lapidary’, created in partnership with the Maple Ridge Lapidary Club.
While rocks, crystals, and minerals have recently skyrocketed in popularity, the interest in rocks and minerals is nothing new. In fact, the relationship between human culture and rocks and minerals has existed since humans first evolved. While the latest uptick in the market is based on current health and wellness trends, people of all ages and backgrounds in the past and present have found interest in rocks due to their aesthetic, spiritual, and scientific value.
About the Collection
The specimens and objects on display are on loan from the Maple Ridge Lapidary Club (MRLC). The club was founded in 1958 by Laurie Meggait, a local shop class teacher. What started as a club for local rockhounds, a term for those who collect rocks and minerals, has turned into a workshop where members can take the raw materials of the earth and turn it into art. MRLC also has a large collection of specimens that were donated over the years from members, such as Laurie and Joan Meggait, Peter Billick, Lorrie Gibson, Kevin Healey, and Walt Pinder and private collectors, such as Edgar Trethewey. MRLC is also the caretaker for the Edgar J. Trethewey collection some of which are on display here.