Sharing stories of forgotten voices is an important part of keeping the history of a community alive. Sharing stories of a community’s history and its people create connections for its current residents. The Maple Ridge Family History Group is excited to launch the Family History Group’s Community History Projects‘ corner of the website and share our work in a new way.

Since 2016, the Maple Ridge Family History Group has harnessed their research skills to focus on community history. Members bring a wide range of skills and contacts to the team. More experienced members support newer researchers in expanding their skills. As well, we engage with partners in other disciplines and institutions, and sometimes discover extended family contacts.
These projects help participants learn about and share a deeper understanding of the Maple Ridge area; its residents and neighbours; and past events that still resonate today. The research from each project is donated to the Maple Ridge Museum and Community Archives to serve as a resource for other historians to investigate and build upon.
These displays travel to family history events, local history events, and more. Members of Maple Ridge Family History Group are available to speak on project methodology and the various topics explored by the projects.