Sources: Honouring Those Who Served

Extensive research was conducted for this project consulting a variety of sources including attestation papers, census data, directories, birth records, burial records, and newspapers. The sources accessed by the team are too many to list. The main resources are listed below. All of the research with sources has been deposited with the Maple Ridge Community Archives.

Braches, Fred. “In Memory Of Those Who Fell”, Whonnock Notes No. 22 – Spring 2016.

Braches, Fred. Enumeration of Maple Ridge 1917. Whonnock Notes No. 17 – Fall 2008.

Braches, Fred. “The Case of Private Cromarty: A Soldier from Whonnock”, Whonnock Notes No. 14 – Fall 2005.

British Columbia City Directories through Vancouver Public Library.

British Columbian Victory Edition, June 1919.

Canadian Census Records at Library and Archives Canada

Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

Circumstances of Death Registers, First World War, RG 150, 1992-93/314. Library and Archives Canada.

Personnel Records of the First World War, Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF), RG 150. Library and Archives Canada.

Maple Ridge Great War Veterans Association (GWVA). Souvenir Programme: Maple Ridge Peace Celebration—Returned Soldiers Reception and GWVA Picnic, Monday August 4, 1919. MRMCA E00108.

Maple Ridge Historical Tax Assessment and Collector’s Rolls.

Municipality of Maple Ridge, Honour Roll. framed printed poster, n.d. Collection of St. John the Divine Church, Maple Ridge, BC.

Newspapers both local and abroad.

The Books of Remembrance. Veterans Affairs Canada.

The Canadian Virtual War Memorial (CVWM). Veterans Affairs Canada.

The Gold Stripe No. 2: A Tribute to the British Columbia Men who have been Killed, Crippled and Wounded in the Great War: A Book of War, Peace and Remembrance. Vancouver: The Amputation Club of British Columbia.

They Fought for Freedom and Honour 1914-1919. Bronze framed plaque. Collection of St. John the Divine Church, Maple Ridge, BC.

War Diaries of the First World War, Library and Archives Canada.

Learn More or Share With Us

All of the research with sources has been deposited with the Maple Ridge Community Archives. We welcome the public or family members to contact the archives and/or the Maple Ridge Family History Group for more information or to let us know if you have additional or different information than is presented here. We also acknowledge that there may be names missing from the memorials. Your information will help us to update the website. We hope that the Maple Ridge community will be a valuable resource in honouring those who served.

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