George Gordon Abernethy Family

P09007 - 1920's
The principal of A&L Logging, George Abernethy, standing in front of a massive slice of red cedar log (114” diameter) in this Leonard Frank photo. The slab was shipped to England for the World’s Fair in 1925.

The first member of the Abernethy family to venture on to Port Haney soil was George Gordon Abernethy.  George was born in Embro, Ontario on December 29, 1873, and moved to British Columbia in May of 1891.  His parents were Robert Abernethy and Jane Abernethy (Barclay).  His brothers and sisters consist of John William, May Anna, Jane, James Barclay, Elizabeth Smith, Alexander Campbell, Samuel Barclay, and Emerson Ross.

In Port Moody, George married Agnes Elizabeth McKellar on January 30, 1901.  From Port Moody, George moved to Port Haney in 1910.  Here he joined with N. S. Lougheed to build Abernethy Lougheed Ltd., a sawmill and one-machine shingle mill.  Abernethy Lougheed Ltd. continued to run until 1921, when it officially became Abernethy Lougheed Logging Co. Ltd., and this ran until 1930.  In 1914, Abernethy Lougheed Ltd. split with partners, Eburne Saw Mills Ltd. and acquired E. H. Heap’s logging and milling venture at Stave Falls.

The Abernethy couple lived in Port Haney for only eight years, from 1910 to 1918.  From Port Haney, they moved to Vancouver.  Mrs. Abernethy was a teacher in Embro, Ontario before she married into the Abernethy family.  She was also a Charter Member of the Vancouver Art Gallery.  On February 15, 1928, George Gordon Abernethy died at Haney, B.C.  Interment is in Riverview Cemetery, Central Park, Burnaby, B.C.  Agnes Elizabeth Abernethy was born at Thamesford, Ontario on August 27, 1973, and died on December 22, 1951 in Vancouver, B.C.

P00097 - 1917
Abernethy & Lougheed Limited office on Callaghan Street in Port Haney in 1917. Nine people standing in front. Identified as: back row L to R, George Abernethy, Nelson Lougheed, Ruby [Selkirk] Lougheed, Mrs. Abernethy. Only the child in white is identified as Milford Lougheed, born 1914.

 On January 19, 1902, while living in Port Moody, George and Agnes had a child, whom they named Gordon McKellar Abernethy.  Gordon went to public and high school in Port Haney and Vancouver, and continued into post secondary school at the University of British Columbia.  He then went to B. A. Sc. in Forest Engineering in 1926.  From 1926 to 1931, Gordon did survey engineering for Abernethy Lougheed Logging Co. Ltd.  From 1931 to 1936, he managed the Big Chief Super Service Ltd.  He managed A. & F. Timber Co. from 1936 to 1938, and worked in different mills and wood operations from 1938 to 1941.  In 1941, Gordon joined the B. C. Forest Service and in 1966, he retired from this same service.  Gordon moved around British Columbia to different residences.  He lived in Port Moody from 1902, moved to Port Haney in 1910, to Vancouver in 1918, to Allco in 1926, back to Vancouver in 1930, to Victoria in 1944, to Prince George in 1951, then returned to Victoria in 1956.

On June 19, 1905, the Abernethy’s gave birth to a second son, Robert Murray Abernethy.  Robert attended public school in Port Haney and Vancouver, then attended high school in Vancouver.  In 1926, he attended the University of British Columbia and a year later travelled to the University of Toronto.  Like Gordon, Robert worked many jobs.  He started mining at Big Slide and Grange Mines from 1928 to 1936.  From 1936 to 1968, Robert worked in the following insurance agencies: General Insurance Brokerage business; J. J. Whalen Ltd.; H. A. Roberts Ltd.; R. M. Abernethy Ltd.; Abernethy Insurance Associates Ltd. Reed, Shaw & McNaught; and Johnson Higgins Willis Faber Ltd.

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